Creative Insurance Solutions & Administration

Office Coverage

Insurance Solutions For Your Business

Disability Buy-Out
Disability buy-out insurance helps insure each partner's share of the business and can be distributed to other partners, if necessary, under a buy-out agreement.  This plan provides a lump-sum pay-out should a partner become disabled and unable to perform his duties within the organization. 

Life Buy-Out
Life buy-sell insurance helps insure each partner's share of the business and can be distributed to other partners, if necessary, under a buy-out agreement.  This plan provides a lump-sum pay-out to the business upon the death of a partner.

Office Overhead
In addition to disability income for each partner's individual needs, overhead expense insurance can provide reimbursement to the office for business expenses incurred during a disability, such as lease/mortgage payments, business insurance premiums, utilities and employee salaries.  Essentially, it lets you "keep the doors open."

Property and Casualty Coverage
Our agency will work with your company to find the best combination of coverages or package policy to best suit your needs. With our experience and access to a variety of carriers and markets, we have the capability of securing coverage for both large and small businesses.  Below are some the most commonly purchased commercial insurance policies. 

Business Automobile
Business auto coverage protects your business from the liability associated with operating automobiles. Coverage is available for owned, non-owned and hired vehicles including autos, trucks, vans, tractors and trailers

Commercial Property
Commercial property coverage provides protection for your buildings and its contents.

Employment Practices Liability
Employment practices liability provides coverage for defense costs and liability arising from allegations of improper employment practices, sexual harassment and discrimination.

General Liability
General liability coverage provides protection for bodily injury and property damage to others, including medical expenses, personal injury, advertising injury and other liability coverages.

Inland Marine
Inland marine coverage protects business assets and hardware while these items are off premises.

An umbrella policy provides additional protection for catastrophes, unusual exposures and additional liability limits beyond underlying insurance coverages. 

Workers' Compensation
Workers' compensation coverage is designed to comply with the workers' compensation laws of your state and provides protection for injured workers. 

Contact us to request a quote.