Creative Insurance Solutions & Administration

Malpractice Insurance

Medical Malpractice Insurance Solutions

Providing outstanding service throughout the southeast since 1976

Medical malpractice insurance covers doctors and other professionals in the medical field for liability claims arising from their treatment of patients. This coverage is a vital part of all healthcare practices. Unlike other types of insurance, medical malpractice insurance policies vary greatly in the coverage they afford, and more importantly, the coverage they exclude. Inadequate coverage can mean professional and financial ruin for a healthcare client.

Our service goes beyond premium, we consider such issues as risk management needs, premium financing, deductible or retention options, practice structure, availability of defense counsel, retirement goals and long term stability versus short term premium savings.

As your advocate, we place your needs before our own and offer sound, ethical advice gained from years of experience.

Carriers We Represent: Medical Protective and Medical Assurance/ProAssurance